Summer 2024 Field Trials at Colorado and Michigan State

Denver Botanic Gardens as part of the Summer 2024 Colorado Destination Days university field trials at Colorado State University

Denver Botanic Gardens | Colorado State University (CSU)

2024 CSU Annual Trials 

2024 Colorado State University Flower Trials Industry Evaluation Day 

Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024 

9:00 am to 1:30 pm 

As part of 2024 Colorado Destination Day, the CSU Annual Trials has nearly 1,000 annual trial entries planted between ground and containers, with over 250 new varieties. In the three-year Herbaceous Perennial Trials, CSU is evaluating roughly 300 different perennials, with over 100 new entries for 2024.  

Seven Insights on the State of the Green Industry Economy in 2024

Industry members are invited to participate in the evaluation and tour the gardens, meet with other horticulture professionals and friends, and see the new and exciting products from over two dozen different plant breeding companies and plant purveyors from around the globe. 

CSU requests that those wishing to attend RSVP for the event by July 30, 5:00 pm MDT, using the following registration link. For questions regarding the event, Trial Garden Director Chad Miller can be contacted by email.

Registration for additional locations as part of 2024 Colorado Destination Days can also be found online at the event’s homepage, including: 

2024 MSU Trial Gardens 

2024 Michigan Garden Plant Tour 

Monday, July 29, to Friday, Aug. 9 

The annual 2024 Michigan Garden Plant Tour partners Michigan State University with local young plant producers for an event of coordinated open houses. 

Industry professionals, such as garden center operators, greenhouse growers, landscapers, and nurserymen, are invited to visit all participating tour sites to educate themselves on new and improved entries into the categories of ornamental crops and commercial brands of annuals and perennials. 

Some of the locations announced for the 2024 Michigan Garden Plant Tour include: 

Additional information on the 2024 Michigan Garden Plant Tour sites and registration can be found online on the event’s homepage and Facebook page. 

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