Greenhouse Grower occasionally highlights a video that shines a spotlight on the controlled-environment industry, from crop protection advice to insider views on plant production at greenhouse operations across the country. Have you recently produced a video that you want us to highlight? If so, please send a link to Greenhouse Grower Multimedia Specialist Nick Matysik at [email protected].
This week’s video is from Nelson Gonzalez, the Florida Regional Sales Manager of Profile Products. On his channel, Gonzalez talks about common problems and solutions that growers may encounter when applying and using fertilizers on their crops, and the benefits of different growing media. In his most recent video, Gonzalez covers what growers should know about the longevity of controlled-release fertilizers (CRF) to ensure that their choice of CRF pairs well with the growing media and the effects the climate of their operation location has on soil temperature.
These videos and more can be found hosted on Nelson Gonzalez’s YouTube channel and the Profile Products YouTube channel.